Gainda Phenyle |5 Ltr
Gainda Phenyle |5 Ltr
₹ 350 ₹450
Gainda White Disinfectant is white phenyle which is highly effective in the presence of high organic contamination and leaves a long lasting lingering aroma. It has afordable prices and removes toughest of stains leaving your floors sparkling clean and germ, mosquitoes and insects free.
Keep your Floors Sparkling Clean & Free of Mosquitos, Incests & Germs ETC. It is Excellent in Bad Odors & Clean Away Dirt, Stubborn Stains from the Surface Leaving a Pure pine Aroma. It can be used on any Kingd of Surface Like Marble Floor, Kitchen Tiles, Slabs etc.
The phenyle is all surface friendly like Marble Floor, Kitchen Tiles, Slabs etc.